平面上でのダイクトストラ (rust)




プライオリティキュー(BinaryHeap)は、最大値のものから取り出されていくので、数えたい処理のときはマイナスの値にしてプライオリティキューに入れていけば、値が大きいものほど取り出されなくなる。BFSのときと同じようにdistを作っておいて、最初にdistの(x, y)に訪れたときに取り出されたものにマイナスをかけてdistに格納しておけば、distの(x, y)はその時点での最小値になる。なので、何らかの特殊な処理をした値の数を保存することができる。0-1BFSのようなものっぽい(0-1BFSがわかってない)。


The sequential nature of the tuple applies to its implementations of various traits. For example, in PartialOrd and Ord, the elements are compared sequentially until the first non-equal set is found.



use num::*;
use num_traits::*;
use proconio::marker::*;
use proconio::{fastout, input};
use std::collections::*;
use std::ops::*;
use superslice::*;
use whiteread::parse_line;

use itertools::Itertools;
use itertools_num::ItertoolsNum;

例1 ARC005 C - 器物損壊!高橋君



fn main() {
    input! {
        h: usize, w: usize,
        graph: [Chars; h],

    let mut start = (0, 0);
    let mut goal = (0, 0);

    for x in 0..w {
        for y in 0..h {
            if graph[y][x] == 's' {
                start = (x, y)
            } else if graph[y][x] == 'g' {
                goal = (x, y)

    let mut dist = vec![vec![-1; w]; h];
    let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();

    pq.push((0, start));

    let directions = vec![(0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)];
    while let Some((dep, (x, y))) = pq.pop() {
        let dep = -dep;

        for &(dx, dy) in directions.iter() {
            let cx = x as isize + dx;
            let cy = y as isize + dy;

            if cx < 0 || cy < 0 || cx >= w as isize || cy >= h as isize {
            let cxu = cx as usize;
            let cyu = cy as usize;
            if dist[cyu][cxu] >= 0 {
            if graph[cyu][cxu] == '#' {
                dist[cyu][cxu] = dep + 1;
                pq.push((-(dep + 1), (cxu, cyu)))
            } else {
                dist[cyu][cxu] = dep;
                pq.push((-dep, (cxu, cyu)))

    if dist[goal.1][goal.0] <= 2 {
    } else {

例2 A - Range Flip Find Route



fn main() {
    input! {
        h: usize, w: usize,
        s: [Chars; h]
    let vect = vec![(0, 1), (1, 0)];
    let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
    if s[0][0] == '.' {
        pq.push((0, (0, 0)))
    } else {
        pq.push((-1, (0, 0)))
    let mut d = vec![vec![-1; w]; h];

    while let Some((dep, (x, y))) = pq.pop() {
        let dep = -dep;

        for &(dx, dy) in vect.iter() {
            let cx = x as i64 + dx;
            let cy = y as i64 + dy;
            if cx >= 0 && cx < w as i64 && cy >= 0 && cy < h as i64 {
                let (cyu, cxu) = (cy as usize, cx as usize);
                if d[cyu][cxu] < 0 {
                    if s[cyu][cxu] == s[y][x] {
                        d[cyu][cxu] = dep;
                        pq.push((-dep, (cxu, cyu)))
                    } else {
                        d[cyu][cxu] = dep + 1;
                        pq.push((-(dep + 1), (cxu, cyu)))

    println!("{}", (d[h - 1][w - 1] + 1) / 2)

例3 D - Wizard in Maze



fn main() {
    input! {
        h: usize, w: usize,
        sy: usize, sx: usize,
        gy: usize, gx: usize,
        graph: [Chars; h]

    let mut dist = vec![vec![-1; w]; h];
    let directions = vec![(0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)];
    let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();
    pq.push((0, (sx - 1, sy - 1)));

    while let Some((dep, (x, y))) = pq.pop() {
        let dep = -dep;
        if dist[y][x] >= 0 {

        dist[y][x] = dep;

        // 通常の移動
        for &(dx, dy) in directions.iter() {
            let (cx, cy) = (x as isize + dx, y as isize + dy);
            if cx < 0 || cy < 0 || cx >= w as isize || cy >= h as isize {

            let (cxu, cyu) = (cx as usize, cy as usize);
            if dist[cyu][cxu] >= 0 {
            if graph[cyu][cxu] == '#' {

            pq.push((-dep, (cxu, cyu)));

        // ワープ
        let left_bound = if x < 2 { 0 } else { x - 2 };
        let right_bound = if x + 3 >= w { w } else { x + 3 };
        let up_bound = if y < 2 { 0 } else { y - 2 };
        let down_bound = if y + 3 >= h { h } else { y + 3 };

        for wx in left_bound..right_bound {
            for wy in up_bound..down_bound {
                if dist[wy][wx] >= 0 {
                if graph[wy][wx] == '#' {
                pq.push((-(dep + 1), (wx, wy)))

    println!("{}", dist[gy - 1][gx - 1]);

例4 J - 地ならし




fn main() {
    input! {
        h: usize, w: usize,
        graph: [[isize; w]; h]

    let directions = vec![(0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)];
    let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new();

    let starts = vec![(0, h - 1), (w - 1, 0), (w - 1, h - 1)];
    let mut dist = vec![vec![vec![-1; w]; h]; 3];

    for (i, r) in starts.iter().enumerate() {
        let (rx, ry) = *r;
        pq.push((0, (rx, ry)));

        while let Some((dep, (x, y))) = pq.pop() {
            let dep = -dep;

            for &(dx, dy) in directions.iter() {
                let (cx, cy) = (x as isize + dx, y as isize + dy);
                if cx < 0 || cy < 0 || cx >= w as isize || cy >= h as isize {
                let (cxu, cyu) = (cx as usize, cy as usize);

                if dist[i][cyu][cxu] >= 0 {
                dist[i][cyu][cxu] = dep + graph[cyu][cxu];
                pq.push((-(dep + graph[cyu][cxu]), (cxu, cyu)))

    let mut ans = INF;

    for x in 0..w {
        for y in 0..h {
            let sum = (0..3).fold(0, |acc, idx| acc + dist[idx][y][x]) - graph[y][x] * 2;
            ans = std::cmp::min(ans, sum);

    println!("{}", ans)




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